Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Small firm employees..their miseries

In today’s India we are slowly realising the necessity that Private concerns should flourish side by side the government organisations when it comes to offering employment opportunities. People will change their mindset about joining private firms, and happily pick up offers from private concerns.

But these organisations usually dupe their employees too much. Specially the very small or proprietorship organisations. They employ staffs at a salary which forget about feeding their family, it wont be able to feed his or her own mouth. Whereas these employees usually don’t lack expertise.

I have seen a lot of persons slaving away in these small private firms with paltry salaries like one thousand rupee per month. They stick to these jobs for years without even asking for a raise because they know if they leave some one else will immediately join their post, and their employers will not mind shutting their door on them.

Why does not government looks into these matters and firmly protects the rights of these people?